8 Eylül 2009 Salı

Favourite Lyrics

Actually, I think lyrics aren't best part of songs.Tunes capture me firstly, and they are far more important for me.But there are some lyrics that I can't resist.Here are my favourite lyrics:

1-Seasons/Chris Cornell

Sleeping with a full moon blanket
Sand and feathers for my head
Dreams have never been the answer
And dreams have never made my bed

What can I say.He is one of the best male musicians.It's due to both his voice and his lyrics.Most people think that he writes very complicated, vague lyrics.Well, I don't think the same.Who else can write a sentence like "Dreams have never made my bed"?

2-Possibly Maybe/Björk

Since we broke up
I'm using lipstick again
I suck my tongue
In rememberance of you...

There's something quite girlish and tender.Or just björkish...

3-Gloomy Sunday/Sam M. Lewis

Sunday is gloomy
My days are slumberless
Dearest the shadows
I live with are numberless

Simple but still touchy.

4-Intvitation To The Blues/Tom Waits

Mercy mercy, Mr. Percy, there ain't nothing back in Jersey
But a broken-down jalopy of a man I left behind
And the dream that I was chasing, and a battle with booze
And an open invitation to the blues

I love songs which have certain stories.And, Tom Waits is definitely good at story-telling.There are few things more American than Tom Waits (we're talking about a man whose favourite words are bourbon, Jersey and Cuban).And this song has a classical American blues story.God save Tom Waits.

5-Pocketful Of Money/Jens Lekman

Take me some place decent
Where we meet up with your friends
Where the people are pleasent
Where the music never ends
I can't say that you're pretty
That would make me a liar
But you turn my legs to spaghetti
And set my heart on fire

Probably the most straightforward lyrics I've ever heard.

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